Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Book No One Wants to Read by Beth Bacon

I hate to admit that the cover almost stopped me from picking up this book. I know the title alone is meant to be enticing, but I didn't open this book until I saw an author friend post a glowing review about it on Goodreads.

I gave the book a chance and opened it up. It has nice big text in small doses. The book makes a bargain with you. You pretend to read it, and it gets some well-deserved time off the shelf.

You play games with the book, which are fun and keep the reader occupied.

I've never been a reluctant reader myself, but I think this book will help a lot of reluctant readers out there with its wit an humor. They just have to take it off the shelf for a few minutes.

The illustrations were simple and bold. I liked them a lot. They added to the book and fit the theme well.

5 Shovels

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